
July 03, 2009

Ode to Some Old Hawks

Building on my post dated June 14th, let me express gratitude for the highly skilled Collaborative attorneys and mediators who have taught me, and and...

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May 18, 2009

Grief– glasses or blindfold?

My ninety-three year old maternal grandmother died recently , on the heels of the unexpected death of my beloved cat, Goober. So I’ve been spending...

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January 26, 2009

Thoughts to Prepare for Divorce

Starting a marriage is relatively easy. Two people decide to join their lives together, and typically, they pick a venue, invite some loved ones, get...

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Her intelligence goes without saying.

Unmani’s level of fluid skill and preparation reveals her complete dedication for helping others find their way through the legal mazes of our society. Her intelligence goes without saying. I agree with previous clients’ testimonials about her kindness and empathy for her clients; you really do feel that she is invested in you. Couldn’t recommend her more…

- Scott Z.
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